We have received a lot of love and attention lately, especially from those closest to us and the companies we work with, both within and outside the sector. Getting a pat on the back always reinforces you, but in this case, it also reaffirms one of the perspectives with which we view life and work at Wembley. Why has this happened? Let us tell you.

It turns out that Forbes magazine has chosen Wembley Studios as one of the most creative companies in Spain. We won’t lie: it left us wide-eyed and very, very grateful. It is a recognition that does not strictly relate to technical aspects or the day-to-day work of people writing code, but it gives you clues, indicating that the path you are on is the right one.

Creativity and technology are sisters

Because creativity is an intangible, something that you don’t really know how to define or with which elements to build a scale. Who is creative and why? How do you differentiate when someone is more creative or less than someone else? However, when you are in front of a person, a proposition, a creative idea… you know it. And you know it immediately, in fact.

At Wembley Studios, we strive to make creativity a regular travel companion in our daily work. Because in technology, there could be no advancement without creative thinking. Or without a creative drive in everything you do, to be more precise.

Think about it: besides countless technical applications of hardware and software, it was creative genius that took us from lines of text on green phosphorus screens to a graphical interface with windows and a pointer that you could move and interact with. And the same with mobile technology, flexible screens, AI, home automation, new materials, etc., etc. We could go on forever.

That same fantasy is the “fuel,” the indefinable spark that drives the changes that truly transform societies; the one that defines new paths that no one has walked before. Obviously, it is not the only field where it is found, but the world of technology is one of the areas where it is most prolific.

Yes, we know that everyone associates creativity with graphic design, art, and so on. But it also lives with us, the technologists. And Forbes magazine has kindly recognized this by putting us as an example.

Creativity, knots in the stomach, and the corner of the brave

Because in the end, what we do at Wembley is solve problems. And not all problems are the same, so you have to pull from creativity to provide solutions to very diverse labyrinths, every time. Obviously, we know which tools, which language, which solution to implement can yield results and how to apply what we know to what our clients need.

But what happens when the solution is not so clear? What if the resources at your disposal are not enough and you have to “invent” or create them from scratch? What happens when the context changes, either on your part or on the part of those who come to you seeking help? It is there where creativity, that voice whispering over your shoulder, makes the difference.

Creativity cannot be bought at the supermarket, but it flourishes if you nurture and cultivate it with care. For a work team to be creative, you have to foster a certain climate in your company. You must encourage the absence of fear, the habit of trying and failing; the people you rely on cannot live with a knot in their stomachs fearing they might make a mistake. Here there are no scoldings, no wrong answers, only bags full of questions.

Because to succeed, you have to try a hundred times. A thousand. A million. And only once will you find the answer you are looking for. That is why being creative is synonymous with being brave. We suppose that at Wembley Studios we are. At least that’s what they believe at Forbes magazine—which we love, really—and the companies that choose us. Now more people know it, and that is always good news.